I know what you are thinking, "Six Flags is done for the year. Why bother?". I figure that if you are thinking about buying a season pass early, like now, and you care about my opinion, you may want this now. His the story. We really like going to Six Flags. It's a ton of fun and the new Wiggles World area is really great. We love the rides in Wiggles World. They are all set for little guys (and gals). The Big Red Plane is cool and interactive. They can choose the flight path and feel in control. The stage show is fun. If you know the Wiggles you know the songs. I feel like a big dope half the time because I'm the only adult singing
along. Come on people, loosen up! My boys love interacting with the players and there are plenty of chances. We've found we can smuggle lunch into the park for all of us in a cooler. There aren't any coolers allowed typically but you can bring snacks for small kids. Bingo! But we've had poor luck with can soda. The three times we had male security guards rifling through our stuff we made it through. The one time a chick barred the way she took the cokes. She did offer to let us drink all 4 of them right there are the entrance. Yeah right. The other good thing about the Wiggles area is they have super-sized family bathrooms. They are enormous and clean.
The rest of the park is a little sketchy. We typically hit the Wiggles and then make a run to the
Loony Tunes area. There you will find a pretty nice train ride, some ancient carnival rides with a fresh coat of paint, and fun looking rope climbing thing. I say fun looking because it was closed all season. My oldest kept being disappointed. There are a ton of other rides for kids over 4' tall. None of mine are. So either wait until yours are all that tall or make do with the few small kids areas. I know I'm picking on the very demographic that buys tickets but there are a ton of teenagers roaming the park. The herds are just enormous. They don't really look out for small kids and that can cause some tears. I usually use a stroller to part the seas. It's a little like The Road Warrior.

We did Fright Fest this year as well. Not much to note during the day except the parade they run down Main Street. It's usually pretty cheesy but not during Fright Fest. During this time of
the year it is pretty scary. I mean really scary for little kids. I'd avoid it at all cost. They have some great characters, like super tall werewolves on stilts and bloody zombies. Very real, especially to a 2 and 4 year old. We liked that trip in October because it was cooler and easier to relax. One note for dads. If you go in the summer there are plenty of things for look at. Wear a good set of sun glasses. They help to avoid trouble. It's a great place for bird watching in general but the summer is best. The water park is open. God bless the water park. Otherwise it would be a 2 on the dad fun factor-meter.
For more information on Great America check them out at a really good web site (take note Sycamore Fun Center) at: www.sixflags.com/greatAmerica
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