Monday, November 19, 2007

Bee Movie Just Wasn't Good

No value scores here. I came home the other day to find my 4 year old son totally psyched that we were going to see the Bee Movie. Needless to say, I was pretty excited as well. I love spending one-on-one time with the boys. This was a great chance and I was welcoming it. Here's where stuff goes bad. The movie is just not right for kids. I got most, if not all, of the jokes. I don't think Jack got one. It is purely adult oriented. How many small kids are going to understand a Bee taking humans to court over the use of Bee Honey. The whole premise is pretty odd but I was ok with that at first. Then it got violent. In one scene the main star, the bee played by Jerry Seinfeld, has a dream sequence about flying with his new human girl friend while she flies an ultra-light. Next thing you know she crashes in a ball of flames into a cliff, falls to the ground and explodes again. My son was pretty shaken and I was pretty pissed. I know what you are going to say, "It's rated PG so why did you take him?" I hear you but it's pretty tough to explain to the little guys that this animated and fun looking movie just isn't for them. I wasn't happy and I'm telling everyone with little guys, and gals, to stay away. I'll get off of my soap box now. We have been watching The Jungle Book recently. Big winner despite some scary scenes. Just not that scary. Love it.

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