Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring has arrived in Chicago!!!!!

Of course, that means that we still have several inches of snow left before it ends for this half of the year. We've started the awakening process. Moms with kids in tow are coming out of their caves and heading to the neighborhood parks. My own MILF-age has started arranging for "happy hour" get togethers. These, of course, are excuses to drink a little whatever and let the wild ones run crazy.

Over the past month we've done some traveling. I won't bore you with the details. Here are some recommendations if you ever make it to the Tampa Bay area. Absolutely fly on Southwest Airlines. More on this to come. Same with the Tampa airport. Stay out of the Orlando airport if you can. Definitely visit Busch Gardens if you have a free day and $350 (cost for 4 adults and two children; one was free!). Their "Land of the Dragons" makes out Six Flags Great America look sad. And they have free beer samples. Nothing better. DO visit the beaches in Bradenton Beach. We stay close by and loved it. The sand is great for making castles. If you have the chance to go out without the kids make a trek to a local Spanish/Cuban restaurant named Columbia that makes the Mojitos. If you don't know what those are you need to Google it to find out. They are the best in the summer.

More to come on the trip and some other local attractions. We're back into the activity scene again. Yippee!

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